[Developers] Need for simpler way to describe the kind of simple mixed models most people are used to.

dave fournier otter at otter-rsch.com
Mon Aug 3 12:19:07 PDT 2009

I was thinking about contrasts for fixed effects.
thge point is to create a "contrast" object such as

   contrast a_contrast(1,n)

so that in the SEPARABLE_FUNCTION call for the i'th observation
you can simply pass


to the separable function where i is the category index value.
That makes it simpler to parse a CSV file for the data and create code
automatically based on an R like specification of the mixed model.

Right now you can't do that because the parameters of a_contrast are
not independent variables.


David A. Fournier
P.O. Box 2040,
Sidney, B.C. V8l 3S3
Phone/FAX 250-655-3364

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