[Developers] More informative Hessian info in ADMB-RE

dave fournier otter at otter-rsch.com
Sat Aug 15 05:41:04 PDT 2009

The block diagonal Hessian

is in

 d3_array * block_diagonal_hessian;

in the structure usually pointed to by lapprox if it is allocated.

Note that there is no requirement that the size of each block be the
same in more complicated models.


is the i'th block


  -(*(lapprox->block_diagonal_hessian))(i).indexmin()+1 is the size of
the i'th block

David A. Fournier
P.O. Box 2040,
Sidney, B.C. V8l 3S3
Phone/FAX 250-655-3364

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