[Developers] Running ADMB with separate exe and data dirs

Hans Julius Skaug Hans.Skaug at math.uib.no
Fri Nov 5 11:07:44 PDT 2010

Ben and Dave,

I agree that adopting the lme4 specification for random effects
would be the best way. Any idea about how to learn that technology?

The other featurs Dave asks for should in my opinion be dealt
with as a hard coded library of variance functions. These
can invoked by an argument to the R function.  This is not a very elegant 
solution  but it is simple and robust. Mixtures
is also a generic feature that can be applied to all kind of models.


>   It would be worth taking a look at
> MCMCglmm
> pscl
> betareg
>   packages -- these are some of the more flexible modeling packages
> within R, and hence have had to extend the formula 
> specification.  If we
> can stand it, it probably makes sense to use the lme4 
> specification for
> random effects.
>   Ben

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