[Developers] Doxyben

Hans J. Skaug Hans.Skaug at math.uib.no
Mon Dec 10 06:29:18 PST 2012


Every time I look at the online Doxygen docs it strikes me how nice a setup this is,
and that we should have more content. A few technical  issues:

- Under the Directory tab it would be nice to have a brief explanation
  of the content of each directory. Is this technically possible? 

  As far as I know the "directory logic" of ADMB is not documented elsewhere.

- Under Modules, when you choose an entry, and then choose 
  Functions, multiple functions with the same name (but different argument types)
  are listed together. This takes up a lot of space. It would be nice if each function name
  occurred only once, but that all the different variants showed up when you clicked on the function name.
  Is this technically possible?
  The search field works this "incremental" way (try for instance "log_" in the search field).
- Are the names Namespaces relevant? If not the tab can be removed.


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