[Developers] configure for MPI

dave fournier davef at otter-rsch.com
Mon Jan 9 14:45:22 PST 2012

It would be nice if one could just build Derek's MPI code using configure.
Under Linux at least all that is needed (assuming open mpi is properly 
is to add

if test "${ENABLE_MPI}" = "yes"
   CXXFLAGS+="  "
   CXXFLAGS+="\$(shell mpicc --showme:compile) -DUSE_ADMPI"

into the configure script.  Then in linux.mak add the -j 4 option to the 
as in

       $(MAKE) -j 4 --directory=linad99 CXX=$(CXX) CXXFLAGS="-DOPT_LIB 
$(CXXFLAGS)" LIBPATH=../${LIBPATH}/linad99-olp DISKDIR=../${DISK} -f 
optg32-rh8-laplace.mak disk

Also it it doesn't happen it would be nice to put the optimzied and 
debug versions into
different directories.

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