[Developers] netbeans and debuggers

John Sibert sibert at hawaii.edu
Wed Jun 26 13:20:34 PDT 2013

Saw this link recently on in the G+ C++ community
reviewing front ends for gdb

Netbeans came out pretty well in the comparison. I gave it try and it is 
is no worse than ddd. It doesn't really do a good job of displaying 
autodif/admb types (it depends on gdb). But is nicer to use.

Also it is an ide that seems to understand make files and probably works 
on windoze. So it might be a nice way to break up large tpl files into 
more manageable pieces.

So does anyone have any experience with netbeans? Perhaps a tool for 
invoking tpl2cpp or syntax highlighter for autodif/admb types?


John Sibert
Emeritus Researcher, SOEST
University of Hawaii at Manoa
Honolulu HI (GMT-10)

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