[ADMB Users] Examples of multilevel multiprocess model

dave fournier otter at otter-rsch.com
Wed Jun 3 15:18:23 PDT 2009

It is not immediately obvious to me that ADMB can not handle a problem
of this size. What I would need to know is the model structure.
this is probably obvious to people who work with this kind of
model every day. Please indulge me.

If i indexes mothers and j indexes children I assum that for the 3
outcomes we produce  p_ijk where k=1,2,3 the three possible outcomes.
and the P_ijk depend on a set of parameters including the random
effects. If you could describe how the p_ijk are calculated I can give
you better advice.


David A. Fournier
P.O. Box 2040,
Sidney, B.C. V8l 3S3
Phone/FAX 250-655-3364

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