[ADMB Users] exit codes and likelihood profile vectors

Poos, Jan Jaap janjaap.Poos at wur.nl
Fri Oct 1 07:46:16 PDT 2010


Following Dave Fourniers example on creating a class for likelihood profile vectors I managed to get things going. For future reference: In the example the comment "!!CLASS likeprof_vector xx(1,20,"my") // vector of 20 likeprof_numbers" got wrapped, so the example did not run initially. Thanks to Dave for pointing this out.

Now I run into new problems: if I run my model without the -lprof flag, everything runs fine (no exit code warnings). If I run it with one of my likelihood profile vectors, then everything apears to work fine, but I get an exit code 1 (which I guess is a warning for convergence problems). If I run the model with two likelihood profile vectors,  the model stops with exit code 5. I can't find in the documentattion or on the web what the different exit codes mean.

Could somebody give me pointers to where I can find the meaning of the different exit codes (or even better: hint why I get exit code 5 when trying to have two likelihood profile vectors)?

Kind regards, Jan Jaap

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