[ADMB Users] Way to configure output file name?

dave fournier davef at otter-rsch.com
Sun Apr 3 11:27:25 PDT 2011

The code for setting the output file for parameters is in model.cpp
This should be the relevant part.  You can use the option stuff to 
change this
based on some -xxxx command line option

  void initial_params::save()
     adstring tmp;
     if (current_phase==max_number_phases)
     else if (current_phase>=10)
       tmp="0" + str(current_phase);
       adstring tadstring=ad_comm::adprogram_name + adstring(".p") + tmp;
       ad_comm::global_savefile = new ofstream((char*)tadstring);
       if (ad_comm::global_savefile)
         *(ad_comm::global_savefile) << setshowpoint();
         *(ad_comm::global_savefile) <<  "# Number of parameters = "
<< initial_params::nvarcalc() << " ";
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