[ADMB Users] ADMB 10.1 Make verify failure

Mark Payne mpa at aqua.dtu.dk
Wed Apr 27 09:39:04 PDT 2011


I am just trying to build ADMB 10.1. I ran "make verify" over my build, but it seems that one of the examples is failing.. See output below. Looks to me like an out-of-bounds error in one of the arrays....




cd admb-re/weights;rm -f @.par @.std;admb -r  -s binomial_w2;time ./binomial_w2 -nohess

*** Parsing: tpl2rem -bounds binomial_w2

*** Compiling: CXXFLAGS="-m64" adcomp -r -s binomial_w2
g++ -c -O3 -Wno-deprecated  -DSAFE_ALL -D__GNUDOS__ -Dlinux -DUSE_LAPLACE -fpermissive -I. -I/home/mpayne/Downloads/admb-10.1/src/../build/admb-10.1-linux-gcc4.4.1-64bit/admb-10.1-linux-gcc4.4.1-64bit/include -m64 binomial_w2.cpp                                            

*** Linking: LDFLAGS="-m64" adlink -r -s binomial_w2
g++ -O3 -s -L/home/mpayne/Downloads/admb-10.1/src/../build/admb-10.1-linux-gcc4.4.1-64bit/admb-10.1-linux-gcc4.4.1-64bit/lib binomial_w2.o -ldf1b2s -ladmod -ladt -lads -ldf1b2s -ladmod -ladt -lads -m64 -o binomial_w2                                                         

Successful build of executable: binomial_w2

Initial statistics: 1 variables; iteration 0; function evaluation 0; phase 1
Function value   2.3052325e+02; maximum gradient component mag   3.1416e+01 
Var   Value    Gradient   |Var   Value    Gradient   |Var   Value    Gradient   
  1  0.00000  3.14158e+01 |                                                     

 - final statistics:
1 variables; iteration 3; function evaluation 4
Function value   2.3036e+02; maximum gradient component mag   5.7448e-06
Exit code = 1;  converg criter   1.0000e-04                             
Var   Value    Gradient   |Var   Value    Gradient   |Var   Value    Gradient   
  1 -0.01019  5.74482e-06 |                                                     

Block diagonal Hessian (Block size =1)

 inner maxg = 2.06882e-05
max separable g 2.06882e-05
Newton raphson 1           
 f = 210.2864498683653 max g = 4.938272013532696e-13
max separable g 4.973799150320701e-13               
Newton raphson 2                                    
 f = 210.2864498683653 max g = 7.549516567451064e-15
Error: Invalid index 4 used for array range [1, 3] in "double& dvector::operator[] (int i)".                                                                                          
array bound exceeded -- index too high                                                     

Command exited with non-zero status 42
0.00user 0.00system 0:00.05elapsed 24%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 0maxresident)k
0inputs+24outputs (0major+1650minor)pagefaults 0swaps                      
make[2]: *** [binomial_w2] Error 42                                        
make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/mpayne/Downloads/admb-10.1/build/admb-10.1-linux-gcc4.4.1-64bit/admb-10.1-linux-gcc4.4.1-64bit/examples'                                            
make[1]: *** [verify] Error 2                                                              
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/mpayne/Downloads/admb-10.1/src'                          
make: *** [verify] Error 2        

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