[ADMB Users] negative binomial data

Emma Lowe e.lowe.1 at research.gla.ac.uk
Wed Dec 14 06:26:46 PST 2011

Hello everybody

I wonder if anyone can help me with a problem running admb?  

I am trying to run a mixed effects model (one random variable, two fixed fixed effects) with over-dispersed poisson data so I am trying to run a mixed model with a negative binomial distribution.  

So far I have run this model; 

> model1 <-glmm.admb(Count~Treatment*Year+(1|Site),family="nbinom")
but get the following error message;

Error in glmm.admb(Count ~ Treatment*Year + (1 | Site), family = "nbinom") : 
  Argument "group" must be a character string spesifying the name of the grouping variable (also when "random" is missing)

I get the same message when I run it like this;

> model1 <-glmm.admb(Count~Treatment*Year,random=~1|site,family="nbinom")

Anyone have any idea what might have gone wrong?

Thank you!


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