[ADMB Users] Fwd: admb10 64bit has problem?

dave fournier otter at otter-rsch.com
Sun Feb 20 08:47:20 PST 2011

I think there is a bit of a misunderstanding here. that function is
only meant to bre defined for tau > 1.0  whihc in pratice means
tau > 1.0+eps.

However due to underflow the function minimizer may return a value of
1.0 so the small number was added to avoid a crash.
The value tau=1.0 correspons to a poisson. One could extend the function
to work for tau=1.0 using a bit of calculus to figure out the
correction to a Poisson for values of tau slightly larger than
1.0. We leave it as an exercise for the student.

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