[ADMB Users] NLMM Model Selection

Poos, Jan Jaap janjaap.Poos at wur.nl
Tue Feb 22 02:21:45 PST 2011


When defining too many stddev_params in a model, ADMB exits with the cryptic message: "This version of ADMB only supports 150". Clearly there is something missing in the message. Below is a small  patch for /src/admodel2.cpp, adding " stddev_params" to the message. I hope one of the developers can patch admodel2.cpp.

Cheers, Jan Jaap

--- model2.cpp.old      2011-02-22 11:46:57.000000000 +0100
+++ model2.cpp  2011-02-22 11:50:20.000000000 +0100
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
     if (num_stddev_params>=150)
       cerr << "This version of ADMB only supports " << num_stddev_params
-           << endl;
+           << " stddev_params" << endl;
     stddevptr[num_stddev_params++]= this; // this is the list of
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
     if (num_stddev_number_params>=150)
       cerr << "This version of ADMB only supports " << num_stddev_params
-           << endl;
+           << " stddev_params" << endl;
     stddev_number_ptr[num_stddev_number_params++]= this; // this is the list of


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