[ADMB Users] Enquiry on ADMB 10.0

CHRIS GRANDIN cgrandin at shaw.ca
Wed Jul 13 18:08:09 PDT 2011

You should download 10.1 instead....
And then...

Replace this cl command in adlink.bat:
cl  %1.obj %df1b2lib% admod32%s%.lib %adlib% adt32%s%.lib /link /libpath:"%ADMB_HOME%"\lib /libpath:"%MSSDK%"\lib

 with this:

cl  %1.obj %df1b2lib% %adlib% adt32.lib admod32.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib /link /LIBPATH:"%ADMB_HOME%/lib" /LIBPATH:"%MSSDK%/lib"

where MSSDK is an environment variable which points to the location of the Microsoft windows SDK.  Mine is:

C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0

You must download the SDK for admb to work on Windows.  I have full version of VS2010 and I still needed to download the sdk.

----- Original Message -----
From: Mark Maunder <mmaunder at iattc.org>
Date: Monday, July 11, 2011 8:23 pm
Subject: Re: [ADMB Users] Enquiry on ADMB 10.0
To: "users at admb-project.org" <users at admb-project.org>
Cc: Richard Bian <r.bian at niwa.co.nz>

> See Richards question below
> When I use ADMB ver 5.01, I can transform my .tpl file to .cpp 
> using tpl2cpp.exe and then compile my code in VS6 and run/debug 
> my code in Visual Studio environment. To try a newer version of 
> ADMB, I have downloaded and installed ADMB 10.0 and also have 
> Visual Studio 10 on my machine. Using the admb.bat provided with 
> the ADMB, I managed to compile the release executable, but I got 
> link errors about lib conflict between LIBCMT.lib and 
> LIBCMTD.lib when I tried to compile the debug executable. The 
> most important thing is I cannot compile and debug my code in 
> the Visual Studio environment.
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