[ADMB Users] macos weird install

Mollie Brooks mbrooks at ufl.edu
Thu Jun 30 09:42:27 PDT 2011

This isn't a problem; it's more of a surprise issue that I wanted to be sure was documented for the next person...

I unknowingly had an old version of admb in /usr/local/bin that my computer was using. I could have found this out by typing in the terminal

which admb

This says where the computer goes to get admb.

I noticed it the hard way when an old bug wasn't going away when I installed the new version. I deleted all existing versions, installed from scratch and then my computer didn't recognize the command admb because it was looking in the wrong place.

I had ADMB_HOME=/usr/local/admb and path defined in .bashrc, but the default terminal shell window on macs doesn't read .bashrc automatically. I had to add the info to a file .bash_profile which does get automatically read.

So if, after correctly installing, your computer doesn't recognize the command admb, you may need to do the following in the terminal

nano .bash_profile

export PATH=$ADMB_HOME/bin:$PATH

hit Control+X then yes to save

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