[ADMB Users] requesting volunteers

Ben Bolker bbolker at gmail.com
Tue May 24 05:41:27 PDT 2011

Hash: SHA1

  We ("glmmADMB development team") are working on an updated version of
glmmADMB (an R interface to AD Model Builder that specifically fits
GLMMs -- the advantage for a typical R user being that they don't have
to install ADMB or learn any of its syntax ...).

  In order to make this work, we need to include compiled binary
executables for a specific TPL file for every supported platform -- that
is, Windows 32- and 64-bit, Linux 32- and 64-bit, and MacOS (32/64 both
get included in the same binary).  It's turning out to be a bit of a
hassle for the active developers to get access to all of these platforms.

  I was wondering if I could get *one* volunteer per platform (or you
could volunteer for more than one, if you have more than one running)
[other than Linux 32-bit which I can handle] who would be willing to
help out with development by acting as a "build-bot" -- i.e., when I
send you an updated version of the file, you could build it with a
fairly short turnaround (a day or so?) and return it to me.  (e-mail to
bbolker at gmail.com will work, although you may have to change the file
extension to something innocuous in order to get Gmail to accept it.)

  Please let me know if you'd be willing to do this.  I don't imagine it
will take much time -- updates every few days in the next few weeks
(perhaps), then slowing down markedly thereafter ...

    Ben Bolker

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