[ADMB Users] quick, stupid question: retrieve standard errors for some parameters when bad hessian?

Ben Bolker bbolker at gmail.com
Wed Nov 2 09:25:03 PDT 2011

   In the continuing Zhang et al 2011 saga:  one of the conditions under
which Zhang et al did the simulations was tau=0.001 (i.e. very low
among-individual variation) -- i.e. the problem really reverts to a
non-mixed-model problem.

  When I try to do this one, ADMB perfectly reasonably complains that
the Hessian is not positive definite.  Therefore, the std file doesn't
get created.  I'd like to try to retrieve the Hessian and get the
inverse of specified columns myself (or do a generalized inverse). I see
that there are files produced:

  binary: admodel.hes, analyzer.rhes, hesscheck, hessian.bin

  are these documented somewhere, or has someone figured out what they
are, or do I need to work through an example myself to figure it out ... ?

    Ben Bolker

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