[ADMB Users] new glmmADMB version

Ben Bolker bbolker at gmail.com
Mon Oct 10 16:16:39 PDT 2011

  I've just committed the 'merged' version (now labeled version 0.6-5)
to r-forge.  It should be available within 24 hours.

  Therefore, the new, more flexible version is now the default.  Some
improvements are:

 * multiple random effects, specified either in an nlme-style (random=)
or lme4-style (+(1|random)) format;
 * Poisson/binomial/beta/gamma/NB 1 and 2 distributions;
 * log, logit, probit links;
 * connections to MCMC functionality;
 * ability to specify extra arguments
 * beginnings of a vignette

  The new version runs slower on single-random-effect models; we hope to
fix this eventually.

  There is a bug tracker and a feature request list at
http://r-forge.r-project.org/projects/glmmadmb/ ...

  Ben Bolker

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