[ADMB Users] New error messages over night

dave fournier davef at otter-rsch.com
Sat Apr 28 10:19:25 PDT 2012

Hi everybody,

As some have posted earlier, I experience error messages on a model which worked yesterday (couldn't find STD file). Downgrading to v 0.7 didn't help, and including the admbControl modification suggested by Ben Bolker in earlier posts didn't work, either. Changing the model structure, I get another error message which I didn't get before, either:

Error in II[, ii] = II[, ii] + REmat$codes[[i]] :
   number of items to replace is not a multiple of replacement length

I wonder why I get these errors now and not yesterday?

I installed the glmmADMB package from CRAN, and downgraded later with the file from Ben's webpage. When I tried to upgrade again, I saw that the build on CRAN disappeared. Does this mean somebody is working on it at the moment?

I'm really thankful that you guys are working on this, since in my very limited understanding of stats (plus lack of time)

If you don't have time to figure out what you are doing maybe you should
forget about science and go into administration. You could be a big picture person
who leaves the mundane details to lessers.

On the other hand if you really want to figure out what is going on you could ditch R and write your model
in ADMB. After that you migth actually know something and people on the list might even help you.
  (Of course your chance for a career in administrationcould be negatively affected.)


this is the only useful method I found so far to somehow get results for my PhD thesis (ecology, blocked experiment, counts and proportions, comparison of predictors). However, with some things not functioning, I don't dare relying on this package too much, which leaves me without a tool to analyze my data. I'm a bit desperate now and wondering if you think if you will get a well functioning version out soon, i.e. if it's worth waiting a while, or if I should try to find other solutions (which I have no clue what else to try)?

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