[ADMB Users] The slow destruction of ADMB

dave fournier otter at otter-rsch.com
Sun Jan 1 08:17:18 PST 2012

I was getting strange behaviour (canadian spelling)  from a
routine. I traced it to a buggy routine in  ivsort.cpp  which seems to have
replaced my original code.

    int *intarray;
    intarray = new int[size];
    int i;
       intarray[i] = v(lb+i);

    //  .......

    delete intarray;

What is wrong with that?

Two things. If you allocate memory with new int[size]
you need to deallocate it with

    delete [] intarray;

Second you should not do this anyway. New and delete are really error prone
so you should use an ivector so that the destructor gets called 

    ivector intarray(0,size-1);
    int i;
       intarray[i] = v(lb+i);

Now you get bounds checking in the safe version of the code.

Whenever you make a change to the code you should run it through valgrind.
With much more of this all of admb will be buggy and waste ones time with
strange failures.

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