[ADMB Users] failed installation

Heather Bowlby heather.bowlby at yahoo.ca
Fri May 11 08:02:01 PDT 2012

I am a bit sheepish writing this because I have been successful at installing ADMB in the past.  I am using Windows (32 bit)
I installed one of the older versions of the compiler - gcc345.zip and unzipped the files into c:\gnu\gcc (as suggested)
To my path, I added ;c:\gnu\gcc so the whole line looked like:
Then I tried to install version 10.0 of admb because I didn't want the ADMB-IDE environment.
I used all of the default settings during installation

Opening the ADMB command prompt (MinGW GCC 4.5.0)
The first message is:
Set ADMB Home directory to C:\Program Files\ADMB
The network path was not found

Even though I can navigate to: C:\Program Files\ADMB on my computer

I can change the directory to access the simple example
C:\Program Files\ADMB> cd examples\admb\simple   gives
C:\Program Files\ADMB\examples\admb\simple>
When I try to run the program    >admb simple
It does the **** parsing: simple.tpl
**** compiling: adcomp  simple
But after it writes the simple.cpp file, I get
'g++' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
Operable program or batch file.
Error: Failed to build executable

Any help would be much appreciated.
Heather Bowlby
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