[ADMB Users] Building general random/mixed effect models example

Jeff Laake jefflaake at gmail.com
Wed Jan 23 15:12:02 PST 2013

*I have posted previously an approach of generalizing TPL files using
model.matrix in R to create design matrices for fixed effect models.  Using
the TPL and R code in glmmadmb as my reference point, with my co-authors
Hans Skaug and Devin Johnson, I have created a simple example that shows
how you can create a general TPL file and use R to construct the necessary
data structures from a formula and data frame for random or mixed effect
models. The example we construct is for mixed effects logistic regression
but it can be modified as you wish. It is the approach that we are trying
to illustrate rather than the particular example. Hans will post this as an
example on the website.*
*Building General Random E ffect Models with R **and ADMB*
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