[ADMB Users] multinomial weights and -gh

Jeff Laake jefflaake at gmail.com
Fri Mar 1 15:29:37 PST 2013

So I'm confused. In the binomial example (binomial_w2.tpl) it shows
multiplication of weight and likelihood value but in the distance sampling
example I did with Hans the weighting was all behind the scenes to use -gh.
Can someone hep me with the example cjsre.tpl at:


which I modeled after what Hans helped me with.  You'll see code
multiplying weights that is commented out.

The weights here are frequencies of the occurrence of a particular capture

If you rename the file yes_cjsre.dat to cjsre.dat and run it then it will
work giving a likelihood about 333.  But if you rename the example
no_cjsre.dat to cjsre.dat and run it, it will give a value of about 110.
Both should be in the 300s.  The difference is that in the no_cjsre.dat
there are two random effects per call  whereas in yes_cjsre.dat it is on
only one of the parameters. Clearly the weights aren't being applied
properly when there are random effects on both parameters.

I found the following comment in the code df1bg2h

   // !!! This only works for one random efect in each separable call
   // at present.

Am I out of luck at present?

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