Finally I got ADMB on openSUSE up and running.<br>Well I'm going through some models that used to work before.<br>So far there is one that does not seem to run properly (one with splines)<br><br>ridao@linux-kw78:~/admb/admb-10.1/myadmb> admb test_spline_2010<br>
<div><br>*** tpl2cpp test_spline_2010<br><br>*** adcomp test_spline_2010<br>g++
-c -O3 -Wno-deprecated -D__GNUDOS__ -Dlinux -DOPT_LIB -DUSE_LAPLACE
-fpermissive -I. -I/usr/local/admb/include test_spline_2010.cpp<br>
<br>*** adlink test_spline_2010<br>g++ -s -L/usr/local/admb/lib test_spline_2010.o -ldf1b2o -ladmod -ladt -lado -ldf1b2o -ladmod -ladt -lado -o test_spline_2010<br><br>Done<br>----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>
ridao@linux-kw78:~/admb/admb-10.1/myadmb> ./test_spline_2010<br>Making a copy of an unallocated dvector<br>Making a copy of an unallocated dvector<br>Making a copy of an unallocated dvector<br>Making a copy of an unallocated dvector<br>
Making a copy of an unallocated dvector<br>Making a copy of an unallocated dvector<br> OK to here1 <br>----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>I have "cout" the code and the problem seem to arise in the "get_mortality_and_survivial_rates()"<br>
function which is using "splines"<br></div><br>DATA_SECTION<br> ......<br> init_int nNodes; // SPLINES<br> vector nodes(1,nNodes); // SPLINES<br>
!! nodes.fill_seqadd(1,1);<br> vector ages(1,nages); // ages of data<br> vector ages4plus(1,nages-1); // non-recruiting ages in the population<br> vector years(1,nyrs); // years of data<br>
int pred_year; // prediction year<br> vector yield_obs(1,nyrs);<br> !! nyrs = nyrs - nyrs_r; <br> !! nyrs_surv = nyrs_surv - nyrs_r;<br> init_vector LO(1,nNodes)<br> init_vector HI(1,nNodes)<br>
init_ivector PH(1,nNodes)<br> init_vector parm(1,2)<br> <br>PARAMETER_SECTION<br>....<br> init_bounded_number_vector log_sel1(1,nNodes,LO,HI,PH) // SPLINES<br> init_bounded_number_vector log_sel2(1,nNodes,LO,HI,PH) // SPLINES<br>
init_bounded_number_vector log_sel3(1,nNodes,LO,HI,PH) // SPLINES<br>
vector predSel1(1,nages) // SPLINES<br> vector predSel2(1,nages) // SPLINES<br> vector predSel3(1,nages) // SPLINES<br><br> <br>PROCEDURE_SECTION<br> cout << " OK to here1 " << endl;<br>
get_mortality_and_survivial_rates();<br> cout << " OK to here2 " << endl;<br><br><br>FUNCTION get_mortality_and_survivial_rates<br> int i, j;<br> //calculate the selectivity from the sel_coffs ---------------------<br>
<br> for (i=1;i<=nyrs;i++)<br> { <br> if (i<=16)<br> { <br> vcubic_spline_function qs(nodes,log_sel1,parm(1),parm(2)); // SPLINES<br> predSel1.sub(1,9)=qs(ages.sub(1,9));<br> predSel1(10)=0;<br> predSel1(11)=0;<br>
predSel1(12)=0;<br> <br> }<br> else<br> {<br> if (i<=35)<br> { <br> <br>.........<br>........<br><br><br>This code used to work under version admb-10 but not in the current admb-10.1<br><br>Thanks in advance<br>