[ADMB Users] Running glmm.admb

Nicole Schumann nsc at deakin.edu.au
Sun Mar 29 19:05:03 PDT 2009


I'm very new to R and gmml.admb so my apologies if my question is very
basic.  I'm looking at habitat preferences of seabirds on several
islands.  I have a number of fixed predictor variables as well as
island which, in my understanding, I need to include as a random
variable to account for pseudoreplication.  My response variable (CDP
- ie. the number of burrows of a petrel species per quadrat) is  
zero-inflated and overdispersed so I'm trying to use glmm.admb for  
count data with a negative binomial distribution. However, it requires  
a grouping variable which confuses me because surely that's also my  
random variable (ie. island)?

Also, when I write my command, I get the following error message:

Error: unexpected input in

Can anyone suggest what I need to do?


Nicole Schumann BEnvSc(Hons)
PhD Candidate
School of Life and Environmental Sciences
Deakin University, Australia

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