[ADMB Users] gradient_structure problem with nbinom glmm.admb in R
dave fournier
davef at otter-rsch.com
Sun Jun 12 10:42:01 PDT 2011
The easiest way is to modify the glmm.admb command.
In R do something like
> sink("myglmmadmb")
> glmm.admb
> sink()
then you will have a file named myglmmadmb with the R script in it.
You can see that the ad mb function is invoked vis sthe R system()
Ben has abstracted the inteface a bit so that
the line
cmdoptions = paste("-maxfn 500", if (impSamp == 0)
creates the string to include the CLO. For a one off yu can just edit
this to soemthing like
cmdoptions = paste("-maxfn 500 -mno 60000 -ams 5000000 ", if
(impSamp == 0)
(You may need some kind of -ams option for a big problem).
Nicer would be to modify the function itself
function (formula, data, family = "poisson", link, corStruct = "diag",
impSamp = 0, easyFlag = TRUE, zeroInflation = FALSE, ZI_kluge = FALSE,
imaxfn = 10, save.dir = NULL, verbose = FALSE, myoptions = NULL)
and add myoptions to cmdoptions. Then you could just put the stuff you need
in your R code. (And try out the hybrid mcmc as well.)
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