[ADMB Users] glmmadmb in R

Christopher Smith smit4155 at umn.edu
Thu Nov 10 13:01:52 PST 2011


I am fairly new to R but am attempting to use GLMMs with neg. bin. 
distribution to analyze count data. (I have successful done this using 
glmer() and glm.nb() ). I am having trouble getting the function 
glmmabmb() to work, even for the example provided at: 

I am getting the error,

 > fit = 
Error in glmmadmb(y ~ Base * trt + Age + Visit, random = ~Visit, group = 
"subject",  :
   unused argument(s) (group = "subject")


 > fit = 
Error in `colnames<-`(`*tmp*`, value = character(0)) :
   attempt to set colnames on object with less than two dimensions

The second error is the same error I get when trying to use the function 
with my data.


 > glmmadmb(ANAM~tmin+CWD,family="nbinom",random=~Day)
Error in `colnames<-`(`*tmp*`, value = character(0)) :
   attempt to set colnames on object with less than two dimensions

I am on a Mac (OS X 10.5.8) running R (2.12- 32bit). Any advice?

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