[ADMB Users] help with glmmADMB ZI; function maximizer failed

Mollie Brooks mbrooks at ufl.edu
Thu Nov 10 13:21:49 PST 2011

Hi Emma,
There are a few possibilities that come to mind...

Your formula is a bit complicated, maybe too complicated for your data. I recommend thinking carefully about what your really want to include.  Do you have 10-20 data points per parameter? 

Also, it is important to recognize that species*btrees*built includes all of the following terms: species+btrees+built+species:btrees+species:built+btrees:built+species:btrees:built (where ":" indicates an interaction). So your formula is redundant.

Season can only be included as a fixed effect because it has 2 levels (minimum 5 or 6 needed for estimating std of a random effect). Class is on the borderline. 
You may want to check http://glmm.wikidot.com/faq for a general reference.


Mollie Brooks
Ph.D. Candidate
Biology Department
University of Florida
mbrooks at ufl.edu

On 14 Oct 2011, at 6:23 AM, Emma Rosenfeld wrote:

> Dear all,
> I am having some problems trying to run a GLMM model with zero-inflation using the alpha version of glmmADMB (0.6.4) using R (2.13.1) in Windows and I would greatly appreciate some help.
> My count response variable (number of birds: count) fits a negative binomial distribution and the explanatory variables are both continuous and categorical (species= 17). The three random effects are site (68 of them), season (1 or 2) and land class (1 to 6). Ideally I would also like to build in a variance structure to allow a different spread per land class. This is the model I'm trying to run:
> (fm<-glmmadmb(count~species*btrees+species*built+species*btrees*built+(1|season)+(1|landclass)+(1|site), data=srp12, famil="nbinom", zeroInflation=TRUE))
> I have read most of the supporting documents to glmmADMB and studied the examples but am still struggling to make headway.
> This is the error message I get;
> Memory allocation error -- Perhaps you are trying to allocate too much memory in your program
> Warning: running command 'C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe /c "C:/R-2.13.1/library/glmmADMB/bin/windows32/glmmadmb.exe" -maxfn 500' had status 1
> Warning in shell(cmd, invisible = TRUE) :
>   '"C:/R-2.13.1/library/glmmADMB/bin/windows32/glmmadmb.exe" -maxfn 500' execution failed with error code 1
> Error in glmmadmb(count ~ species * btrees + species * built + species *  :
>   The function maximizer failed
> I noticed the discussion entitled ‘help with glmmADMB 0.6.4 - function maximizer failed’ with Rafael Mares discusses similar problems. I have tried some of the suggested solutions, none of which have been recognised as code in R for some reaason.
> I have also run:
> > summary(fm)
> Which results in:
> Error in summary(fm) : object 'fm' not found
> This has happened however the equation is labelled.
> Perhaps there is a more appropriate package that I should be using (MCMCglmm)?
> I am quite new to R, so it is quite possible that I am missing something, so any help would be most appreciated.
> Apologies for the long message!
> Many thanks,
> Emma Rosenfeld
> PhD student,
> School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences,
> University of Birmingham
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