[ADMB Users] plotting glmmadmb model error bars

Mari Jaramillo marij85 at live.com
Wed Oct 26 01:55:18 PDT 2011

Hi glmmadmb users,
I am a new R user, so please excuse if this question is a little dumb.
Could someone give me a hint on how to plot the standard errors of the 
output of a glmmadmb model (see example output below). Note the variable is 

glmmadmb(formula = terr2 ~ zone + (1 | year), data = data2, family = 
    zeroInflation = FALSE)

            Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(intercept)   4.576      0.337   13.56  < 2e-16 ***
arid          1.071      0.265    4.05  5.2e-05 ***
tran          1.034      0.309    3.35  0.00082 ***

I'd like to plot a bar graph of the estimates with their corresponding std. 
errors, could anyone give me a hint on how to plot the std. errors for each 

Any help is appreciated.

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