[ADMB Users] GNU-R: glmmADMB not available for R version 2.15.1

Ben Bolker bbolker at gmail.com
Mon Jul 2 13:54:14 PDT 2012

On 12-07-02 04:48 PM, Niklaus Kuehnis wrote:
> On 02.07.2012 18:11, Ben Bolker wrote:
>> On 12-07-02 10:47 AM, Niklaus Kuehnis wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I updated R to the latest version, 2.15.1. When trying to install
>>> glmmADMB using install.packages("glmmADMB",
>>> repos="http://r-forge.r-project.org") I get the message that "package
>>> `glmmADMB` is not available (for R version 2.15.1)".
>>> Is there a way to install the package on my version of R?
>>    There was a glitch in the tests, which I hope to have fixed now
>> (should take 24 hours for the r-forge site to update).
>>    In the meantime, if you're in a hurry you could try the long list of
>> workarounds at http://glmmadmb.r-forge.r-project.org/ ; I think #4 may
>> help in this case.
> I'll wait a couple of days, then, and try again. Thanks!

  It looks like glmmADMB failed its tests again.  Sigh.

  If someone out there is running R on 64-bit Linux, could they please
try the following code and see if it fails ... ?
  (I don't understand why it stopped working -- maybe r-forge changed
their build platform?)

nblock <- 10
nrep <- 10
d2 <- expand.grid(f=factor(LETTERS[1:nblock]),rep=1:nrep)
N <- nrow(d)
d2$x <- runif(N)
u_f <- rnorm(nblock,sd=1)
u_fx <- rnorm(nblock,sd=0.5)
beta <- c(1,2)
eta <- model.matrix(~x,data=d2) %*% beta + u[as.numeric(d2$f)]+
d2$y <- rpois(N,exp(eta))

##old style:
g2 <- glmmadmb(y~x,random=~x|f,family="poisson",data=d2)

g2 <- glmmadmb(y~x+(x|f),family="poisson",data=d2,

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