[ADMB Users] no assignment operator for init_bounded_number_vector

Larry Jacobson larry.jacobson at noaa.gov
Fri Jul 19 10:43:01 PDT 2013

1) The idea is to ask the user for an arithmetic starting value which is 
used to initialize a log scale parameter (unbeknownst to the user who 
does not think in logs).

2) I have a vector of doubles declared in the DATA_SECTION called 
srx_init(1,2).  See line 193 in attached tpl file.

3) I declare a bounded_number_vector in the PARAMETER_SECTION called 
logsrx(1,2).  See line 283 in tpl file.

4) In the PRELIMINARY_CALCS_SECTION (line 410) I want to initialize the 
bounded_number_vector with code like:

5) However, the compiler complains:
C:\Users\ljacobso\Documents\Assessments\Shrimp_2013\CSA-v4\july18_2013>cl /c 
__MSVC32__=8 /I. /I"C:\Program Files\ADMB"\include /I"C:\Program 
Files\ADMB"\contrib\include csav41.cpp
Microsoft (R) 32-bit C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 16.00.30319.01 
for 80x86
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

csav41.cpp(362) : error C2679: binary '=' : no operator found which 
takes a right-hand operand of type 'dvector' (or the
re is no acceptable conversion)
         C:\Program Files\ADMB\include\admodel.h(2700): could be 
'param_init_bounded_number_vector &param_init_bounded_nu
mber_vector::operator =(const param_init_bounded_number_vector &)'
         while trying to match the argument list 
'(param_init_bounded_number_vector, dvector)'

6) I've tried doing the assignment in a loop like:
          for (i=1;i<=nsurveys;i++) logsrx(i)=log(srx_init(i));

using an intermediate dvar_vector like:
        dvar_vector temp(1,2)=srx_init;

and many other hacks (trying to find a combination of data types with an 
assignment operator).

6) Any ideas or suggestions?

Cheers and thanks!

Opinions that may be expressed herein are my own
and not official positions of NOAA or the National
Marine Fisheries Service.
Larry Jacobson
National Marine Fisheries Service
Northeast Fisheries Science Center
166 Water Street
Woods Hole, MA 02543-1026
Voice: 508-495-2317
Fax: 508-495-2393
E-mail: larry.jacobson at noaa.gov

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// CSA Version 4.1 
// 18 July 2013     - Version 4.1 - A. Seaver
//  5 November 2012 - Version 4.0 -  A.Seaver

 #include <admodel.h>
 #include <time.h>
 #include <iostream>

 using namespace std;

// a macro that writes the name and value of any variable to the screen
 #define EO(x) cout << #x << "=" << x << endl;
  char  dtstring[12];
  char  tmstring[6];

  ofstream basicMCMC("csaMCMC.txt");


// First & Last year in Catch

   init_int  nfyear;
   init_int  nxyear;

   int nyears;

  !!  nyears = nxyear - nfyear + 1;

// Number of Surveys

   init_int nsurvey;

//  Catch Data (Landings & Discards)

   init_matrix  total_catch(1,nyears,1,2);

// Number of Observations

   init_int nobs;

// Survey Observations
//  column 1 - Survey index
//  column 2 - year
//  column 3 - observation type  1 = Recruit, 2 = Post-Recruit, 3 = Aggregate Surveys 4 = CPUE Surveys
//  column 4 - Observed Value
//  column 5 - Coefficient of variation
//  column 6 - time of survey obervation ts >= 0.0 ts < 1.0
//  column 7 - Selectivity of recruitment  - (recruits only)
   init_matrix  survey_data(1,nobs,1,7);

//  Natural Mortality

   init_vector  nmort(1,nyears);

//  CV on Catch
   init_number  cvcatch;

//  Weighting Factor on Catch

   init_number lambda_catch;

//  Survey Specific weight factor  - use to turn off surveys or to give a survey greater emphasis

   init_vector  lambda_survey(1,nsurvey);

//  Catchability lower & upper bounds

   init_number qlbound;
   init_number qubound;

// Catchability Initial Guesses

   init_vector qinit(1,nsurvey);

// Survey Options - 1
// column 1 - Estimated Selectivity - Initial Value
// column 2 - Estimated Selectivity - Lower Bound
// column 3 - Estimated Selectivity - Upper Bound
// column 4 - Estimated Selectivity - Phase

   init_matrix survey_opt1(1,nsurvey,1,4); 

// Survey Options - 2
// column 1 - CPUE Exponent - Initial Value
// column 2 - CPUE Exponent - Lower Bound
// column 3 - CPUE Exponent - Upper Bound
// column 4 - CPUE Exponent - Phase

   init_matrix survey_opt2(1,nsurvey,1,4); 

//  Weights per fish 
//  Column 1 - Landings
//  Column 2 - Discards
//  Column 3 - Recruits
//  Column 4 - Post-Recruits
   init_matrix  wtmat(1,nyears,1,4);

//  MCMC stuff

   init_int   doMCMC;

   init_int   MCMCnboot;

   init_int   MCMCnthin;

   init_int   MCMCseed;

  if (doMCMC == 1)
    for (int ix=1; ix<= nyears; ix++)
       basicMCMC <<  "F_"  << nfyear+ix-1 << " ";

    for (int ix=1; ix<= nyears; ix++)
       basicMCMC <<  "RHAT_"  << nfyear+ix-1 << " ";

    for (int ix=1; ix<= nyears; ix++)
       basicMCMC <<  "PHAT_" << nfyear+ix-1 << " ";

    for (int jx=1; jx<= nsurvey; jx++)
       basicMCMC <<  "QHAT_" << jx << " ";
    for (int jx=1; jx<= nsurvey; jx++)
       basicMCMC <<  "SRX_" << jx << " ";
    for (int jx=1; jx<= nsurvey; jx++)
       basicMCMC <<  "Beta_" << jx << " ";

    basicMCMC << endl;

   vector obs_land(1,nyears);
   vector obs_disc(1,nyears);
   vector obs_catch(1,nyears);

   vector obs_survey(1,nobs);
   vector cv(1,nobs);
   vector ts(1,nobs);
   vector sr(1,nobs);

   ivector kyear(1,nobs);
   ivector ksurv(1,nobs);
   ivector ktype(1,nobs);

   vector wt_land(1,nyears);
   vector wt_disc(1,nyears);
   vector wt_r(1,nyears);
   vector wt_pr(1,nyears);

   vector srx_init(1,nsurvey);
   vector srx_lb(1,nsurvey);
   vector srx_ub(1,nsurvey);

   ivector srx_phase(1,nsurvey);

   vector beta_init(1,nsurvey);
   vector beta_lb(1,nsurvey);
   vector beta_ub(1,nsurvey);

   ivector beta_phase(1,nsurvey);


   int ks;
   int ny;
   int ixx;



        struct tm *Today;
        time_t xstart;


        Today = localtime(&xstart);



        srx_init  = column(survey_opt1,1);
        srx_lb    = column(survey_opt1,2);
        srx_ub    = column(survey_opt1,3);

        beta_init  = column(survey_opt2,1);
        beta_lb    = column(survey_opt2,2);
        beta_ub    = column(survey_opt2,3);

       for (ixx = 1; ixx <= nsurvey; ixx++)
          srx_phase[ixx] = (int) survey_opt1[ixx][4];
          beta_phase[ixx] = (int) survey_opt2[ixx][4];



// All intrinsically positive parameters estimated as logs (LDJ, 7/18/2013).
// Read in log scale parameter values and make space for their transformed
// values in caclulations.  For each parameter, determine the specified bounds,
// declare the log parameter and make space for the arithmetic value that will
// be set in the PROCEDURE_SECTION.  Initial values are set in the 
// PRELIMINARY_CALCS section.  LDJ, 19 July 2013

// Indirect declaration for bounds seems to work best here
 !! double lob=1e-9;double upb=1e9; 
 !! lob=log(lob);upb=log(upb); 
   init_bounded_vector logrhat(1,nyears,lob,upb);
   vector rhat(1,nyears);
 !! lob=1e-9;upb=3;
 !! lob=log(lob);upb=log(upb);   
   init_bounded_vector logf_calc(1,nyears,lob,upb);
   vector f_calc(1,nyears);

 !! lob=1e-9;upb=1e3; 
 !! lob=log(lob);upb=log(upb);   
   init_bounded_vector logqhat(1,nsurvey,lob,upb);
   vector qhat(1,nsurvey);

 !! lob=1e-9;upb=1e9;
 !! lob=log(lob);upb=log(upb); 
   init_bounded_number logphat1(lob,upb);

//indirect declaration that seems to work (LDJ, 19 July 2013)
 !!dvector vlob(1,nsurvey);
 !!dvector vupb(1,nsurvey);
   init_bounded_number_vector logsrx(1,nsurvey,vlob,vupb,srx_phase);
   vector srx(1,nsurvey);
 !!EO("in parameter section");EO(logsrx);

   init_bounded_number_vector logbeta(1,nsurvey,vlob,vupb,beta_phase);
   vector beta(1,nsurvey);
   number phat1;
   sdreport_vector phat(1,nyears+1);
   sdreport_vector totnum(1,nyears);
   sdreport_vector totbio(1,nyears);
   number c;
   number m;
   number n;
   number z;
   number f;
   number cx;
   number nx;

   number lx; 

   number lxc;
   number lxr;
   number lxp;
   number lxt;
   number lxw;

   number xxx;

   vector z_calc(1,nyears);
   vector c_calc(1,nyears);

   vector pred_survey(1,nobs);
   vector resid_log(1,nobs);
   vector resid_catch(1,nyears);

   vector l_calc(1,nobs);
   vector l_calc_wt(1,nobs);
   vector l_resid(1,nobs);

   vector survey_negloglike(1,nsurvey);
   vector catch_negloglike(1,nyears);
   vector catch_likeresid(1,nyears);

   vector bio_r(1,nyears);
   vector bio_p(1,nyears);

   vector survey_r_like(1,nsurvey);
   vector survey_p_like(1,nsurvey);

   number p_est;
   number r_est;
   number t_est;

   number w_est;
   number c_est;
   number d_est;

   number sd;

   objective_function_value negloglikelihood;


   obs_land = column(total_catch,1);
   obs_disc = column(total_catch,2);

   for (int ix=1; ix <= nobs; ix++)
     ksurv[ix] = (double) survey_data[ix][1];
     kyear[ix] = (double) survey_data[ix][2];
     ktype[ix] = (double) survey_data[ix][3];

   obs_survey = column(survey_data,4);

   cv = column(survey_data,5);
   ts = column(survey_data,6);
   sr = column(survey_data,7);

   wt_land  = column(wtmat,1);
   wt_disc  = column(wtmat,2);
   wt_r     = column(wtmat,3);
   wt_pr    = column(wtmat,4);

// Very last thing-supply initial log scale parameter estimates (LDJ)        
   for (int i=1;i<=nyears;i++) logf_calc(i)=log(0.5);

   for (int i=1;i<=nyears;i++) logrhat(i)=log(0.0001);

   for (int ix=1; ix <= nobs; ix++)
       if (ktype[ix] == 1)
         ny = kyear[ix] - nfyear+1;
         ks = ksurv[ix];
         logrhat[ny] = log(obs_survey[ix]) - log(sr[ix]) - logqhat[ks];

    for (int ix=1; ix <= nobs; ix++)
        ks = ksurv[ix];
       if (ktype[ix] == 2  && kyear[ix] == nfyear)
         phat1 = obs_survey[ix]  / value(mfexp(logqhat[ks]));
    logphat1 = log(phat1);

// PROBLEM HERE-cannot assign to an init_bounded_number_vector


  int i; // loop counter  (LDJ)

  lxc = 0.0;
  lxr = 0.0;
  lxp = 0.0;
  lxt = 0.0;
  lxw = 0.0;
// convert parameters for intrinsically positive parameters 
//  to their nautral arithmetic values (LDJ, 19 July 2013)
  EO("procedure section");
  for (int i=1; i<= nsurvey; i++)
    dvariable temp=logsrx(i);  
  phat[1] = mfexp(logphat1);
//  for (double i = 1; i <= nyears; i++)
  for (int i = 1; i <= nyears; i++)
     obs_catch[i] = obs_land[i] + obs_disc[i];

     m = nmort[i];

     n = phat[i] + rhat[i];

     f = f_calc[i];


     z_calc[i] = z;
     c_calc[i] = cx;
     phat[i+1] = nx;

     totnum[i] = n;


     sd = sqrt(log(1.0 + square(cvcatch)));
//     for (double i=1; i <= nyears; i++)
     for (int i=1; i <= nyears; i++)
        if (obs_catch[i] > 0.0 && c_calc[i] > 0.0)
       	   resid_catch[i] = log(obs_catch[i]) - log(c_calc[i]);
           lx = log(sd) +  0.5 * square(resid_catch[i] / sd);
           catch_negloglike[i] = lx;
           catch_likeresid[i] = lx - log(sd);
           negloglikelihood += lx * lambda_catch;
           lxc += lx * lambda_catch;

//     for (double i=1; i <= nsurvey; i++)
     for (int i=1; i <= nsurvey; i++)
         survey_negloglike[i] = 0.0;
         survey_r_like[i] = 0.0;
         survey_p_like[i] = 0.0;

//     for (double j=1; j <= nobs; j++)
     for (int j=1; j <= nobs; j++)

        ks = ksurv[j];
        ny = kyear[j] - nfyear+1;
        if (ktype[j] == 1)
          pred_survey[j] = qhat[ks] * rhat[ny] * sr[j] * exp(-ts[j]*z_calc[ny]);

        else if (ktype[j] == 2)
          pred_survey[j] = qhat[ks] * phat[ny] * exp(-ts[j]*z_calc[ny]);

        else if (ktype[j] == 3)
           pred_survey[j] = qhat[ks] * exp(-ts[j]*z_calc[ny]) * (rhat[ny] * srx[ks] + phat[ny]);

           xxx = (rhat[ny] * srx[ks] + phat[ny]) * exp(-ts[j]*z_calc[ny]);
           pred_survey[j] = qhat[ks]  * pow(xxx,beta[ks]);

        sd = sqrt(log(1.0 + square(cv[j])));
        if (obs_survey[j] > 0.0 && pred_survey[j] > 0.0)
           resid_log[j] = log(obs_survey[j]) - log(pred_survey[j]);
           resid_log[j] = 0.0;

        l_calc[j] = log(sd) +  0.5 * square(resid_log[j] / sd);
        l_calc_wt[j] = l_calc[j] * lambda_survey[ks];
        l_resid[j] = l_calc[j] - log(sd);

        if (ktype[j] == 1)
          survey_r_like[ks] += l_resid[j];
        else if (ktype[j] == 2)
         survey_p_like[ks] += l_resid[j];

        survey_negloglike[ks] += l_calc_wt[j];

        negloglikelihood += l_calc_wt[j];
        if (ktype[j] == 1)
          lxr += l_calc_wt[j];
        else if (ktype[j] == 2)
          lxp += l_calc_wt[j];
        else if  (ktype[j] == 3 || ktype[j] == 4)
          lxt += l_calc_wt[j];
          lxw += l_calc_wt[j];


// ADMB (Microsoft compiler) does not like the way double
// and int variables are mixed here (LDJ, July 19, 2013)
//     for (double i = 1; i <=nyears; i++)
     for(i = 1; i <=nyears; i++)
       bio_r[i]  = wt_r[i] * rhat[i];
       bio_p[i]  = wt_pr[i] * phat[i];
       totbio[i] = bio_r[i] + bio_p[i]; 

 //    cout << last_phase() << endl;
     if (mceval_phase())


FUNCTION calc_catch

     z = f + m;

     cx = f * n * (1.0 - exp(-z)) / z;

     nx = n * exp(-z);

     int i;
     for (i= 1; i <= nyears; i++)
        basicMCMC <<  f_calc[i]  << " ";
     for (i= 1; i <= nyears; i++)
        basicMCMC <<  rhat[i]  << " ";
     for (i= 1; i <= nyears; i++)
        basicMCMC <<  phat[i]  << " ";

     for (i= 1; i <= nsurvey; i++)
        basicMCMC <<  qhat[i]  << " ";

     for (i= 1; i <= nsurvey; i++)
        basicMCMC <<  srx[i]  << " ";

     for (i= 1; i <= nsurvey; i++)
        basicMCMC <<  beta[i]  << " ";

     basicMCMC  << endl;
  int i;
  report << "CSA Version 4.1 -  18 July 2013" << endl << endl;

  report << "Date_of_Run: "  << dtstring << endl;
  report << "Time_of_Run: "  << tmstring << endl << endl;

  report << "First Year in Data     = " << nfyear << endl;
  report << "Last Year in Data      = " << nxyear << endl << endl;

  report << "Number of Years        = " << nyears << endl << endl;

  report << "Number of Surveys      = " << nsurvey << endl << endl;

  report << "Number of Observations = " << nobs << endl << endl;

  report << "Negative Log-Likelihood = " << negloglikelihood << endl << endl;

  report << "  -  Catch              = " << lxc << endl;
  report << "  -  Recruits           = " << lxr << endl;
  report << "  -  Post-Recruits      = " << lxp << endl;
  report << "  -  Aggregate Surveys  = " << lxt << endl;
  report << "  -  CPUE               = " << lxw << endl << endl;

  report << "  -  Surveys            "  << endl;

  for (i = 1; i <= nsurvey; i++)
      report << "  -  Survey - " << i << "         = " << survey_negloglike[i] << endl;

  report << endl << endl;

  report << "Log-Likelihood Residuals " << endl;
  report << " Recruits " << endl;
  for (i = 1; i <= nsurvey; i++)
      report << "  -  Survey - " << i << "         = " << survey_r_like[i] << endl;
  report << endl;

  report << " Post-Recruits " << endl;
  for (i = 1; i <= nsurvey; i++)
      report << "  -  Survey - " << i << "         = " << survey_p_like[i] << endl;
  report << endl << endl;

  report << "Catchabilty" <<  endl;
  for (i = 1; i <= nsurvey; i++)
      report << "Survey - " << i << " = " << qhat[i] << endl;

  report << endl;

  report << "Estimable Survey Selectivity" <<  endl;
  for (i = 1; i <= nsurvey; i++)
       report << "Survey - " << i << " = " << srx[i] << endl;

  report << endl;

  report << "CPUE Exponent" <<  endl;
  for (i = 1; i <= nsurvey; i++)
    report << "Survey - " << i << " = " << beta[i] << endl;

  report << endl;

  report << scientific << setw(18) << setprecision(8);
  report << endl;

  report << "Catch  Observed  Predicted  Log-Resid  neg-log_likehood  like_resid" << endl;

// ADMB (Microsoft compiler) does not like the way double
// and int variables are mixed here (LDJ, July 19, 2013)          
//  for (i = 1; i <=nyears; i++)
  for(i = 1; i <=nyears; i++)
     report << (int) nfyear+i-1 << "   " << obs_catch[i] << "  " << c_calc[i] << "  " << resid_catch[i] << "  " << catch_negloglike[i] << "  " << catch_likeresid[i] <<  endl;
  report << endl;

  report << "Survey  Year  Type  Observed Predicted  Log-Resid neg-log_likehood like-resid likehood_wt" << endl << endl;

  for (i=1; i <= nobs; i++)
     report <<  ksurv[i] << "  " << kyear[i] << "  " << ktype[i] << "  ";
     report <<  obs_survey[i] << "  " << pred_survey[i] << "  ";
     report <<  resid_log[i]  << "  " << l_calc[i] << "  ";
     report <<  l_resid[i]  << "  " << l_calc_wt[i] << endl;     
 report << endl;

  report << fixed << setw(15) << setprecision(6);
  report << endl;

  report << "Mortality   M  F  Z" << endl; 

  for (i = 1; i <=nyears; i++)
     report << nfyear+i-1 << "   " << nmort[i] << "    " << f_calc[i] <<  "    "  << z_calc[i] << endl;

  report << endl;

  report << scientific << setw(18) << setprecision(8);
  report << endl;

  report << "Population Estimate   Recruits  Post-Recruits Total" << endl; 

  for (i = 1; i <=nyears; i++)
     r_est = rhat[i];
     p_est = phat[i];
     t_est = r_est + p_est;
     report << nfyear+i-1 << "   " << r_est << "    " << p_est  <<  "    "  << t_est << endl;

  report << endl;

  report << "Catch Biomass Estimate   Landings Discards  Total" << endl; 

  for (i = 1; i <=nyears; i++)
     c_est = c_calc[i] * wt_land[i];
     d_est = obs_disc[i] * wt_disc[i];
     w_est = c_est + d_est;
     report << nfyear+i-1 << "   " << c_est << "    " << d_est  <<  "    "  << w_est << endl;

  report << endl;

  report << "Stock Biomass Estimate   Recruits Post-Recruits  Total" << endl; 

  for (i = 1; i <=nyears; i++)
     report << nfyear+i-1 << "   " << bio_r[i] << "    " << bio_p[i]  <<  "    "  << totbio[i] << endl;

  report << endl;



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