[ADMB Users] ADMB with gcc, mingw, and/or msys

dave fournier davef at otter-rsch.com
Thu Nov 14 15:52:52 PST 2013

I was curious to see how hard this is.

I downloaded the current mingw compiler and msys tools from source forge.
I modifed my path to include the three directores for gcc msys tools and 
as below.


I changed to the admb directory and typed make.  ADMB was built 

then I tried to compile the polio example

The command

             admb -r polio

did not work for me.  Since I was really interested in whether the 
library is correct and don't
like those overly complicated scripts anyway I built the cpp and htp by 
hand and then compiled
it with   mygccs.bat where mygccs.bat contained

g++.exe -Dlinux -DUSE_LAPLACE polio.cpp -o polio.exe -I. 
-Ih:/oldave/admb/build/dist/include -Lh:/oldave/admb/build/dist/lib -ladmb

This built the polio.exe which ran successfully.

I can't imagine  the average R user getting anywhere with this.

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